May 24, 2011

The A-100 Five

You've heard of the Freshman Fifteen?  We'll there's also the A-100 Five.

Luckily, A-100 is only 6 weeks or so because it could easily become the A-100 Ten if it continued.

It's pretty hard to stay with your good routines and habits during A-100.  You've moved to a new location; you don't have all your stuff; you don't know where the grocery stores are and you certainly don't have time to cook.

Add to this very long, intense days ( I left the house at 7 AM and didn't get home until 6 PM - and that's when I came straight home).  So, it's hard to find gym / exercise time as well - much less time for the important people in your life.

And then there are all the Happy Hours.  An important goal of A-100 is building "esprit de corps."  This translates into many, many activities.  And if you've a class that's anything like my Vibrant class, it means lots of truly fabulous activities with some really interesting people.  In addition to all the Happy Hours, we've had Trivia Night, Card and Pizza Night, Sunday BBQ's, Rock Climbing, Korean BBQ  and Karaoke, Cigar Night, Ethnic Food Night - you get the picture.

I was doing fine until we had our offsite.  Then there were 2 days in West Virginia where were served a different style of food than I'm used to.  It's what pushed me over the edge.

So - now A-100 is over and I've been able to settle into a more balanced pace and lifestyle.  It's so nice to be able to establish my routines again - morning yoga, healthier eating, more relaxed time with my family.

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