June 18, 2011

Thunderstorms and Rainbows

We have a lot of thunderstorms here in Virginia.  It seems like every night (and sometimes in the afternoon), the clouds roll in and then the thunder and lightning and rain starts.  I just love it!  Coming from California I'm used to cold rain - which is also quite wonderful.  But this warm, balmy rain is absolutely glorious!  It always makes me feel like I'm in some tropical paradise on vacation.

Of course, when the clouds roll in the afternoon, it means the end of pool time - which can be a real drag.  The rule is that if there's thunder, it's out of the pool for 30 minutes.  If there's lightning - it's 60 minutes.  Either way, it usually means the end of swimming for the day.

One night I was fortunate to be at a rooftop party celebrating a Vibrant colleague's 30th birthday.  There was a thunderstorm off in the distance and it was like being in a movie watching the clouds periodically light up from the lightning.  The storm was far enough away so we didn't have to leave the rooftop.  The other amazing thing about that party was that it was the first rooftop party I've ever been to where we didn't end up shivering back in the apartment.  I guess that's one of the big differences from the Bay Area where each night, the fog rolls in and the sweaters come out.

Two nights ago, the thunderstorm was incredibly loud and right overhead.  It was as though we were inside the orchestra during the Brandenburg Concerto.  The lightning was flashing constantly and the rain was just pouring down.  It frightened the kids, but K. and I stood on the balcony and just watched it all (of course after we got the kids calmed down).

Last night, the rains came early and we had a double rainbow.  Just beautiful!

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