One of our favorite places to relax is the Monterey Bay Area with Santa Cruz at one end and Carmel and Monterey at the other. And Big Sur is just next door.
So - when we were home, we made our pilgrimage down there with good friends.

First we stopped at
Nepenthe - which a very special and magical place. Whether your buy in to Big Sur / New Age stuff or not, something wonderful is in the air there. It might be the energies converging, or it might be the great views, gorgeous trees and ocean air. Whatever it is, we had good times with good friends.
We also got to play at the Carmel Beach - a very favorite place.

And visit the
Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Last time we came, O. wasn't quite tall enough for the famous Giant Dipper. But this year he is - so we made the trek.
We also rode the Carousel. We tried to get the ring in the clown's mouth, but no one could make it happen.
And then there are the fabulous sunsets!
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