March 02, 2011

How We Prepare

As we are all getting ready for this new adventure we are about to embark on, it's interesting to see the different ways we prepare for it. 

For myself, being a control freak, I've been obsessed with organizing and inventorying everything.  I lie awake at night thinking about the spices I have and ranking them in order of how frequently I use them.  Then I re-rank them in order of how hard they'll be able to find away from Berkeley. 

Then there are the nights I obsess about trying to finish every last unfinished project before we go.  There's my son's baby book (he's now 7 - second child syndrome).  There's the unfinished baby quilt for a good friend's baby (now 6).  My mother's photo montage from a family vacation that was taken 4 years ago.

But I think my son has the best way to prepare.  Every morning he watches this video.  He tells me he wants to learn all about our country in preparation for our adventure.

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